Tech Field Day events bring together innovative IT product vendors and independent thought leaders to share information and opinions in a presentation and discussion format. Independent bloggers, freelance writers, and podcasters have a public presence that has immense influence on the ways that products and companies are perceived and by…
Tag: Gestalt
Storage Field Day 3, io ci sarò!
Gli eventi Tech Field Day riuniscono innovativi fornitori di prodotti IT e leader di pensiero indipendenti per condividere informazioni e opinioni in formato fatto di presentazione e discussione. Blogger indipendenti, scrittori freelance, e podcaster hanno una presenza pubblica che ha enorme influenza sul modo in cui i prodotti e le aziende…
My Tech Field Day experience at VMworld
During the last VMworld in San Franscisco, I met in person Stephen Foskett, the mind behind Tech Field Day. If you don’t know nothing about it, that’s tha about page on their website: Our Field Day events bring together innovative IT product vendors and independent thought leaders to share information…
La mia esperienza al Tech Field Day durante il VMworld
Durante l’ultimo VMworld a San Franscisco, ho conosciuto di persona Stephen Foskett, la mente dietro Tech Field Day. Se non sapete nulla a riguardo, ecco cosa dice l’about page sul loro sito web: Our Field Day events bring together innovative IT product vendors and independent thought leaders to share information…