To complete my setup, once I deployed all my virtual machines in the previous articles, I also need a S3 bucket to be later used in Veeam as an object storage. And obviously, I can also automated this part with Terraform.
Tag: infrastructure
My Automated Lab project: #5 Deploy a Linux vSphere VM with Terraform and custom disks
After deploying a Windows VM in the previous article, this time I will deploy a Linux VM to be used as a Veeam Hardened Repository. Since I need some more space for storing the backup, I will use this opportunity to create the VM with a additional disks.
My Automated Lab project: #4 Deploy the VMs from templates using Terraform
After I have created my templates with Packer in the previous posts, I can now use them every time as a quick source for creating my own virtual machines. Thanks to Terraform, I’ll be able to deploy each new vm in a matter of minutes, and also to customize each of them as I need.
My Automated Lab project: #3 Create a Windows Server 2019 template in VMware vSphere with Packer
In my previous post I’ve created a Ubuntu template into VMware vSphere using Packer. Time to build now a Microsoft Windows template.
My Automated Lab project: #2 Create a Ubuntu template in VMware vSphere with Packer
In my previous post I explained the tools I use in my lab automation. Today, we’ll talk about creating Ubuntu templates into VMware vSphere. For this, I will use Packer.
My Automated Lab project: #1 Install and configure the needed tools
Raise your hand if you love to rebuild everytime your home lab manually! Noone, right? you either end up trying to not breaking it, thus defeating the purpose of the lab, or you spend insame amount of hours to fix it everytime, or to rebuilding it from scratch. So, automation in our home labs has always been a huge topic, and there are around many posts in these regards. So, why my own version? Because I found around some posts that I used to create my own automation, but none of them was perfect for my needs. I love beers, so let me use this example: like an home brewer (which I’m not, by the way) during this year I made my own recipe. It may not be the best one around, but it’s my own personal recipe. If you find it useful too, be my guest!
Learning how to use terraform in vCloud Director
Lately, I took the decision to do not have anymore a physical lab, even if it was already hosted and managed at a service provider, but to completely nest it inside a vCloud Director tenancy. But while I was planning the rebuild operation, I also decided it was time to make its creation process as automated as possible, and while doing so, I learned a bit about how to use Terraform.
Aggiungere uno storage Flash in un ambiente esistente
Sto leggendo ultimamente una enorme mole di informazioni riguardanti lo storage Flash. Articoli, blog, whitepaper prodotti da analisti, blogger e dalle stesse aziende che producono una qualsiasi soluzione basata sulle memorie NAND. Ognuno possiede una propria soluzione; tutte sono state concepite per risolvere gli annosi problemi di lentezza dello storage basato su dischi meccanici, ma allo stesso tempo la modalità in cui si offrono di risolvere questo problema è molto differente una dall’altra.
In ambienti già consolidati, l’introduzione di una soluzione piuttosto che un’altra è una scelta da effettuare con molta attenzione.