In 2012 I wrote a blog post that became really popular: Installing VMware tools on Centos 6 via yum. Few years forward, and today the preferred tools are the open sourced ones available natively in many linux package managers. So, some may think to switch from one version to the other one for their existing virtual machines. That’s what I’ve done in some of my virtual machines, and here is the process.
Tag: yum
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Use updated kernel in CentOS 7
CentOS is known for not using the latest versions of the Linux kernel. If you need up-to-date versions, you need to configure the OS to use different repositories.
Installare i VMware tools su Centos 6 tramite yum
Yum è il sistema di installazione, rimozione e aggiornamento di applicazioni per sistemi basati sulla piattaform Red Hat, come Centos e Fedora. Consente una gestione ottimale delle installazioni e soprattutto degli aggiornamenti, in quanto tramite il comando yum upgrade è possibile analizzare i vari repository configurati su un sistema, verificare…