VMware PEX (Partner Exchange) is live in these days, and as on many other occasions, several companies take advantage of these occasions to announce their new products and solutions.
Veeam has decided to start at PEX a long advertising campaign to go with their clients (and someone new I guess …) up to the release of Veeam Backup & Replication 7. Finally, some of the new functions and features will be revealed between now and its release scheduled for the third quarter of 2013 (VMworld U.S. in August?), so we can move from speculation to some real information.
The first unvealed feature of version 7 is its support for vCloud Director, which will allow you to save and restore specific vCloud objects and metadata, not visible in the underlying vSphere, such as vApps. Here’s an example of the screen where you see the tree of vCloud Director:
Another information, derived from the press release and the promo video, is the support for Fast-Provisioned VMs, another news.
We still have to find out if the new version will allow vCloud Director users to manage at least restores by themselves in a self-service mode, and if the Cloud Provider offering the backup service will be able to enforce backup policies not overridable by customers.
Veeam has created a dedicated page for the countdown to v7, and looking at the graphics I suppose there will be other 6 new features. The long awaited tape support will probably be one of them, we will see what the other 5 features will be.