Hi all. I know I’m not writing anything new on this blog since some weeks. I’m not in a writer’s block, on the contrary I’m writing a big amount of new stuff. Problem is, almost all these writings are about new softwares and technologies still under NDA (Non Disclosure Agreement), and I’m testing them in my lab while they are still in Beta. So, I cannot publish anything yet, but be sure there will be many articles in the upcoming weeks and months, and I hope also by the end of September a new pretty big WhitePaper I’m writing for a vendor.
Also, for the second year in a row I’ll be at VMworld US, in San Francisco from 25 to 29 August 2013. This year will be the 10th Annyversay of VMworld itself, so I’m really happy I’ll be part of this edition. Sorry to my friends in Italy and Europe, but after my first experience overseas during the last year, I’d been able to see the difference between the US and EU version, and really the latter seems the small brother of the former.
This year I shyed away from register myself (in vain) to too many sessions without then beeing able to attend; I focused only on some topics, as for example the new NSX technology for network virtualization from VMware. This year I will attend again the RoundTables hosted by Tech Field Day with some vendors: Asigra, CommVault, Infinio and Simplivity. Then, I’ll take my time to visit several booths of the vendor I’m interested in. I have no list, since it can happen often to change plans, schedules and priorities during the event. Just wait for my articles from San Francisco.
See you soon.
[This post was originally written by Luca Dell’Oca, and published on the blog www.virtualtothecore.com ]